The Striped False Limpet, Siphonaria pectinata (Linnaeus, 1758) is found on hard substrates (rocks, bridge pilings, concrete wharves) on Sanibel, Captiva, and other parts of Southwest Florida. The common name indicates that, in addition to the stripes on its shell, the species is not a true Limpet, being actually related to land snails and other air-breathing mollusks. The shell color pattern includes fine, alternating radial lines of black (or dark brown) and white; these lines are visible also on inside edge of shell. The animals are hermaphroditic, with a single individual having both male and female reproductive systems. Minute eggs (arrow on the photo on right) are laid in gelatinous strands found adhering to rocks in the spring. The specimen with eggs was found in the jetty between Sanibel and Captiva, photographed, and returned to its habitat.

The Striped False Limpet, live individual with eggs (arrow) on the right. Photos by José H. Leal.