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  • José H. Leal

2023 Bivalves Workshop: A Success Story

On November 8-10, I taught the 2023 Marine Bivalves workshop, promoted by the Florida Association of Aquatic Biologists (FAB) at the University of Tampa’s Marine Science Field Station, in Tampa.

FAB 2023 Bivalves Workshop group photo. By Dr David Karlen.

The workshop dealt with the natural history and identification of local marine bivalve mollusks. The 2.5-day event was attended by marine biologists from, among other institutions, the University of Tampa, University of South Florida, United States Geological Survey, and Smithsonian Marine Station at Fort Pierce.

Presenting at the 2023 Marine Bivalves Workshop. By Kimberly Nealon.

I thank Dr David Karlen of the Environmental Protection Commission of Hillsborough County for organizing and hosting the event. And check the website of the Florida Association of Aquatic Biologists here.

Field work in Tampa Bay during the 2023 Marine Bivalve Workshop. By Dr David Karlen.


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