How many moon snails (family Naticidae) can you find on the beaches of Southwest Florida? Here are the ones we know: (1) White Baby Ear (Sinum perspectivum); (2) Milk Moon Snail (Polinices lacteus); (3) Shark Eye (Neverita duplicata); (4) Brown Baby Ear (Sinum maculatum); (5) False Shark Eye (Neverita delessertiana); (6) Miniature Moon Snail (Tectonatica pusilla); (7) Semisulcate Moon Snail (Sigatica semisulcata); (8) Colorful Moon Snail (Naticarius canrena). The images are not shown at the same scale and, as usual, click on each scientific name to see the relevant entries in our Southwest Florida Shells guide.

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