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  • José H. Leal

More Additions to Collection Catalog Portal

Once again, a reminder about our collection catalog and its web portal, which allows you to search for our collection records online. The web portal, or online interface, now includes 2,225 composite images of mollusks and shells from Florida and the Bahamas. The Museum’s Digital Imaging Project is funded through a 2-year grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services, under its Museums for America initiative.

The acquisition, posting, and archival of images follows the latest standards in the field, and result from the effort and dedication of Digital Image Specialists James F. Kelly and Patricia A. Starkey. To access all the records with images currently in the catalog, go to the web portal and select “Images” on the top left, then “Advanced,” searching “All.” You will now see, on the right, all the data for those records. Click on the tab “Images” to see all the thumbnails. Click on any individual thumbnail to see that image; then select “Actual Size” to see a high-resolution version of that, and/or “Associated Specimens” to see the all data associated with that image.


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