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Mussels of Southwest Florida

José H. Leal

This is a sampling of the local species of the family Mytilidae, which are almost always neglected in private shell collections. (1) Southern Ribbed Mussel (Geukensia granosissima), (2) Scorched Mussel (Brachidontes exustus), (3) Mahogany Date Mussel (Leiosolenus bisulcatus), (4) Lateral Mussel (Musculus lateralis), (5) Hooked Mussel (Ischadium recurvum), (6) Atlantic Paper Mussel (Arcuatula papyria), (7) Chestnut Mussel (Lioberus castanea), (8) Green Mussel (Perna viridis), (9) Coral-eating Mussel (Gregariella coralliophaga), (10) Cinnamon Mussel (Botula fusca), (11) Southern Horse Mussel (Modiolus squamosus), (12) American Horse Mussel (Modiolus americanus). As usual, click on each scientific name to see the relevant entries in our Southwest Florida Shells guide.

Southwest Florida mussels. Illustration by José H. Leal.
Southwest Florida mussels. Illustration by José H. Leal.


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