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Shell of the Week - The Hidden-spire Vitrinella

José H. Leal

This species is actually the Hidden-spire Vitrinella, Teinostoma cryptospira (A.E. Verrrill, 1884), not the Trifle Vitrinella, Teinostoma lerema, as identified in the original posting. At 2 mm (0.08 inch) maximum size, the Hidden-spire Vitrinella is one of the smallest members of the family Tornidae in Florida. The suture (line where two successive whorls join) in this species is not very visible, not forming a distinct line on the shell surface. The shell surface is smooth, the aperture rounded, with a callus partially covering the umbilicus. The color is translucent milky-white. The shell in the photos was damaged during growth, with a “nick” evident on the last whorl. It was collected in 2008 by Lois Dunnan, near the Sanibel Fishing Pier.

The Hidden-spire Vitrinella, Teinostoma cryptospira. Photos by James F. Kelly.


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