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Social Distancing, Improved Accessibility

José H. Leal

The onset of Covid-19 coincided with the release of a new web portal (a “search page”) for the National Shell Museum collection catalog and associated records. Although many states and local governments are re-opening and relaxing limitations on public activities, it is always prudent to limit outings and communal pursuits. So, why not spend some quality time looking at some of our online collection data, including photographs? At this point, about 1,900 collection lots include image attachments of mostly, but not limited to, Florida species. This number will keep increasing into the future.

Random sample of image attachments from the National Shell Museum collection web portal.

The acquisition, posting, and archival of images follows the latest standards in the field, and result from the effort and dedication of Digital Image Specialists James F. Kelly and Patricia Starkey. To access all the records with images currently in the catalog, go to the web portal and select “Images” on the top left, then “Advanced,” searching “All.” You will now see, on the right, all the data for those records. Click on the tab “Images” to see all the thumbnails. Click on any individual thumbnail to see that image; then select “Actual Size” to see a high-resolution version of that, and/or “Associated Specimens” to see the all data associated with that image.


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