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The Floor Tiles at the Sanibel Community House

José H. Leal

I have been intrigued by the new (post-Hurricane Ian), charming floor tiles at the entrance lobby of the Sanibel Community House (Sanibel, Florida). They are resin tiles with embedded shells deployed in cross-sections (see diagram on bottom image). The larger cross-sectional pieces clearly parade Queen Conch (Aliger gigas) attributes: The pink layer inside the aperture (shell opening), the large shell knobs, and the flared lip are all shell features of that majestic species. When on Sanibel, take a break to examine the SCH tiles and complement your visit by stopping at the National Shell Museum & Aquarium to see our Queen Conchs in the Living Gallery of Aquariums.

Floor tiles at the Sanibel Community House displaying Queen Conch shells in cross-section. Photos: José H. Leal
Floor tiles at the Sanibel Community House displaying Queen Conch shells in cross-section. Photos: José H. Leal
The plane (white lines) shows the orientation of one Queen Conch cross-section.
The plane (white lines) shows the orientation of one Queen Conch cross-section.


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