In preparation for the Winter season and opening of the renovated Museum, two new team members are already hard at work. Environmental Educator Tony Gynac graduated from the University of Delaware with a Bachelor's Degree in Marine Biology. Her love of the water has always captured her attention and pushed her towards conservation. She has spent time honing her skills in education and conservation as an intern at the Marine Education, Research, and Rehabilitation Institute and is a volunteer with the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. Senior Aquarist Carly Hulse graduated from the University of Alabama with a Bachelors of Science in both Marine Science and Biology. Carly complete her certification in Aquarium Science at Oregon Coast Community College. From there she went on to work as an aquarist at various facilities including the Audubon Aquarium of the Americas in New Orleans, Louisiana, SEA LIFE Aquarium in Charlotte, North Carolina, and the Florida Aquarium in Tampa, Florida. Please say Hi to Tony and Carly next time you visit the Museum!
