Staff Publications
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José H. Leal, Ph.D.
Science Director and Museum Curator
Selected Scientific and Technical Articles:
2025. Leal, J.H., C. Hulse, C. D'Agostino, S. Fogelson. First record of imposex in the horse conch, Triplofusus giganteus. Bulletin of Marine Science 100.
2024. Leal, J.H., G.S. Herbert, W. Fenzan, A. Avery, F. Márquez. Geometric morphometrics reveal that Conus anabathrum Crosse, 1865 (Neogastropoda: Conidae) should be an accepted species. Journal of Molluscan Studies 90: eyae019.
2024. Leal, J.H. Frontiers in imaging of specimens in mollusk collections. Abstract. Presented at the "Frontiers in Marine Invertebrate Digitization" session of the Northeast Natural History Conference 2024, Albany, New York.
2025. Leal, J.H. Bailey-Matthews National Shell Museum & Aquarium (BMSM) Collection Dataset. accessed via
2025. Leal, J.H. Southwest Florida Shells. Online identification guide at
2023. Hulse, C., J.H. Leal, J.R. Powell. Observations on the mechanism of egg-capsule deposition in Melongena corona (Mollusca: Gastropoda) based on a time-lapse video. Bulletin of Marine Science 99(2):
2023. Oleinik, A.E., J.H. Leal, A.DuPont, N. Uthairat. A prediction held true: first record of the non-indigenous Thrush Cowrie Naria turdus (Lamarck, 1810) (Gastropoda: Cypraeidae) in South Florida. The Nautilus 137(1): 31-34.
2021. Leal, J.H. Type specimens in the molluscan collection of the Bailey-Matthews National Shell
Museum, Florida, USA. Zootaxa 4951(1): 1–40 -
2019. Leal, J.H. & R.A. Mensch. Swift strike by the gastropod Scaphella junonia on its gastropod prey Americoliva sayana. Bulletin of Marine Science 95(1): 27–28.
2017. Leal, J.H., A.J. Kohn, R.A. Mensch. A veliconcha unveiled: Observations on the larva and radula of Conus spurius, with implications for the origin of molluscivory in Conus. American Malacological Bulletin 35(2): 111–118.
2013. Fernandes, M.R., A.D. Pimenta, J.H. Leal. Taxonomic review of Triphorinae (Gastropoda: Triphoridae) from the Vitória-Trindade Seamount Chain, Southeastern Brazil. The Nautilus 127(1): 1–18.
2012. Leal, J.H., R.E. Petit, S.F.B. Lima. The case of the abducted Nautilus papers. The Nautilus 126(1): 41–42.
2008. Leal, J.H. A remarkable new genus of carnivorous, sessile bivalves (Mollusca, Anomalodesmata, Poromyidae) with descriptions of two new species. Zootaxa 1764(1): 1–18.
2008. Sasaki, T., Leal, J.H. Dilemma japonicum new species (Bivalvia: Anomalodesmata: Poromyidae): A new record of the genus from the Northwest Pacific. The Nautilus 122: 166–170.
2006. Leal, J.H. Celebrating a long life: The Nautilus turns 120! The Nautilus 120(1): 1–7.
2005. Leal, J.H., M.G. Harasewych. Tractolira delli, a new Volutidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Neogastropoda) from the abyssal plains off Antarctica. Zootaxa 1071: 39–45.
2000. Leal, J.H. Endemism and modes of development of marine prosobranch gastropods (Mollusca) from oceanic islands off Brazil. Arquipélago—Life and Marine Sciences, suppl 2, part A: 79–87.
2000. Leal, J.H., L.R.L. Simone. Copulabyssia riosi, a new bathyal limpet from Brazil (Gastropoda: Pseudococculinidae) with comments on the systematics of the genus. The Nautilus 114 (2): 59–68.
1999. Leal, J.H., M.G. Harasewych. Deepest Atlantic molluscs: hadal limpets (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Cocculiniformia) from the northern boundary of the Caribbean Plate. Invertebrate Biology 118(2): 116–136.
1998. Leal, J.H., L.R. Simone. Propilidium curumim, a new species of Lepetidae (Gastropoda, Patellogastropoda) from off southern and southeastern Brazil. Bulletin of Marine Science 63(1): 157–165.
1998. Leal, J.H. Donald Richard Moore (February 16, 1921–October 19, 1997): Biographical Sketch, Zoological Taxa and Bibliography. The Nautilus 112(1): 34–40.
1995. Leal, J.H., M.G. Harasewych. Morphology and systematics of the enigmatic volutid Plicoliva zelindae (Petuch, 1979) (Mollusca: Gastropoda). Bulletin of Marine Science 56(2): 569–577.
1993. Leal, J.H., D.R. Moore. Thala esperanza, a new Costellariidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from northern Puerto Rico. The Nautilus 107(2): 58–62.
1993. Rios, E.C. & Leal, J.H. Volvarina pontesi, a new bathyal marginellid from off Brazil (Mollusca, Gastropoda). APEX 8(1): 27–30.
1991. Leal, J.H., P. Bouchet. Distribution patterns and dispersal of prosobranch gastropods along a seamount chain in the Atlantic Ocean. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 71(1):11–25.
1991. Leal, J.H. Arene boucheti, a new intertidal liotiine turbinid (Molusca, Gastropoda, Trochoidea) from Trindade Island, South Atlantic Ocean. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 104(2): 241–246.
1990. Leal, J.H. & E.C. Rios. Nanomelon vossi, a new deep-water Zidoninae from off southern Brazil (Gastropoda: Volutidae). The Veliger 33(3): 317–320.
1989. Leal, J.H., P. Bouchet. New deep-water Volutidae from off southeastern Brazil (Mollusca: Gastropoda). The Nautilus 103(1): 1–12.
1989. Leal, J.H., D.R. Moore. Rissoina indiscreta, a new rissoid species from the tropical southwestern Atlantic with Indo-Pacific affinities. Bulletin of Marine Science 45(1): 139–147.
1985. Leal, J.H., A.C.S. Coelho. Arene flexispina, a new species (Gastropoda: Liotiidae) from off eastern Brazil. The Nautilus 99(2–3): 45–47.
Books and Book Chapters:
2011. Leal, J.H. Molluscs. In: D. Hopley (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Modern Coral Reefs. Springer Reference. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, p. 712.
2002. Leal, J.H. Bivalves. In: K. E. Carpenter (Ed.) The Living Marine Resources of the Western Central Atlantic. Volume 1. Introduction, mollusks, crustaceans, hagfishes, sharks, batoid fishes and chimaeras. FAO Identification Guide for Fishery Purposes. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, pp. 25–98.
2002. Leal, J.H. Gastropods. In: K. E. Carpenter (Ed.) The Living Marine Resources of the Western Central Atlantic. Volume 1. Introduction, mollusks, crustaceans, hagfishes, sharks, batoid fishes and chimaeras. FAO Identification Guide for Fishery Purposes. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, pp. 99–147.
1991. Leal, J.H. Marine Prosobranch Gastropods from Oceanic Islands off Brazil: Species Composition and Biogeography. Dr. W. Backhuys/UBS, Oegstgeest, The Netherlands, 418 pp., 25 pls. ISBN 90-73348-11. (For a copy of the book, download here.)
Book Reviews:
2016. Leal, J.H. Book Review of: Invertebrados Marinos del Noroeste del México [Marine Invertebrates of Northwest Mexico], by H. Bertsch & L.E. Aguilar Rosas. The Nautilus 130(4): 168–169.
2016. Leal, J.H. Book Review of: A Pioneer Son at Sea: Fishing Tales of Old Florida, by Gilbert L. Voss. Bulletin of Marine Science 92(2): 291–292.
2014. Leal, J.H. Book Review of: Heteromorph: The Rarest Fossil Ammonites, Nature at its Most Bizarre, by Wolfgang Grulke. American Conchologist 42(4): 24–25.
2009. Leal, J.H. Book Review of: Gulf of Mexico: Origin, Waters, and Biota. Volume 1. Biodiversity, by Darryl L. Felder and David K. Camp (Eds.) (J. W. Tunnel, D. L. Felder, and S. Earle (Series Eds.). 2009. Bulletin of Marine Science 85: 282−283.
2006. Leal, J.H. Book Review of: Mollusks, A Guide to Their Study, Collection, and Conservation, by Sturm, Charles F., Timothy A. Pearce, and Ángel Valdés. The Nautilus 120: 116–117.
Popular Articles:
2018. Leal, J.H. The i-Conic Alphabet Cone. 81st Sanibel Shell Festival Magazine, p. 32.
2015. Leal, J.H. What do we learn from collections? The Shell Museum perspective. American Conchologist 43(2): 36–37.
1992. Leal, J.H. Telltale shelling: Uncoiling a snail’s life. Sea Frontiers 38(6): 52–55.
1992. Leal, J.H. & W. Conklin. The inner lives of shells. Sea Frontiers 38(4): 32–39.
1989. Leal, J.H. Tales from oceanic islands: Biogeography of insular gastropods. American Conchologist 17(3): 7–9.
1988. Leal, J.H. Trindade Island: Grandeur and instability in the South Atlantic. Sea Frontiers 34(2): 94–99.
Relevant Abstracts and Posters:
2018. Leal, J.H. (Ed.) Florida United Malacologists 2018. Program and Abstracts, Bailey-Matthews National Shell Museum, January 27, 2018, 24 pp.
2017. Leal, J.H. & J. Godwin. New Kid on the Block: The Bailey-Matthews National Shell Museum Collection. iDigBio "Digitizing the 2nd largest invertebrate phylum: Mollusks" workshop. Newark, Delaware, July 16–17, 2017 [Poster]
2016. Leal, J.H. (Ed.) Florida United Malacologists 2016. Program and Abstracts, Bailey-Matthews National Shell Museum, February 20, 2016, 19 pp.
2014. Leal, J.H. Deep Sea Mollusks. Abstract of the inaugural lecture presented at Mollusca 2014—Encuentro de las Américas, México City, June 2014.
2007. Leal, J. H. A remarkable new genus of sessile, predatory septibranch bivalves. World Congress of Malacology. Antwerp, Belgium, 15−20 July 2007. [Abstracts p. 127]
Rebecca Mensch, MS
Museum Marine Biologist
2019. Leal, J.H. & R.A. Mensch. Swift strike by the gastropod Scaphella junonia on its gastropod prey Americoliva sayana. Bulletin of Marine Science 95(1): 27–28.
2017. Leal, J.H., A.J. Kohn, R.A. Mensch. A veliconcha unveiled: Observations on the larva and radula of Conus spurius, with implications for the origin of molluscivory in Conus. American Malacological Bulletin 35(2): 111–118.
2010. Mensch, R.A. A systematic review of the squid genus Chiroteuthis (Mollusca: Cephalopoda) in New Zealand waters. Master’s Thesis, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand.